Imagine you weigh 70lbs on Earth.
How much do you think you would weigh on the other planets in our Solar System?

On Mercury and Mars you would weigh 27lbs.
Why? Mercury and Mars are smaller than the size of Earth and has less gravity.
On Venus you would weigh 63lbs.
Earth and Venus are almost the same size and have almost the same amount of gravity.
On Jupiter you would weigh 185lbs!
This is because Jupiter is one of the largest planets in our Solar System.
On Saturn and Uranus you would weigh 82lbs.
because they are just a little larger than the size of Earth.
On Neptune you would weigh 84lbs.
And what about the dwarf planet Pluto?
You would only weigh 4lbs!!! Pluto is so small that you would weigh close to nothing!

On Mercury and Mars you would weigh 27lbs.
Why? Mercury and Mars are smaller than the size of Earth and has less gravity.
On Venus you would weigh 63lbs.
Earth and Venus are almost the same size and have almost the same amount of gravity.
On Jupiter you would weigh 185lbs!
This is because Jupiter is one of the largest planets in our Solar System.
On Saturn and Uranus you would weigh 82lbs.
because they are just a little larger than the size of Earth.
On Neptune you would weigh 84lbs.
And what about the dwarf planet Pluto?
You would only weigh 4lbs!!! Pluto is so small that you would weigh close to nothing!
I like this ! I think the kids would get a kick out of knowing how much they weighed on the different planets and you could use that as a springboard for further disscussion in class about the hows and whys.